Agartha! the occult firstfruits of squash and compost correspondents
Season after season the leaves fall, flowers bloom, leaves grow and a perpetual renewing cycle continues, continuing the develops and projecting hope and everlasting grace. On a metaphysical, occult and even areas of symbolistic communications this topic will be better known. Long ago a friend spoke with me about his observations, and the way his family works with the squash in the garden of eden while communicating in occultic and even manipulative manner in witch often expressed, while in a sort of tranced occult state of mind when they all get together as a family at gatherings and occasions. Continuing to grow and develop the research, leading only with love, light an everlasting grace, I took the liberty to correspond with the pasts spoken word. The following actions occurred on the date of June 9, 2021 near the time of 11:11 AM and is currently in the creator state of mind, kneaded and under research and occult development. The first what I believe is a like-minded, symbolic represented area of cultivation. A square bed of the dimensions of 4x4 with currently 18 squash plants growing and developing well. The compost, the archaic, creative and occultic meaning of the compost created simply corresponds with mother earth’s natural frequency. The meaning should resonate from within everybody on earth, the using of the energy and the return to the source, the material not used. The remaining energy meant to be recycled and not wasted. The perpetual circulation of the immortal spirit, the renewed use, nourishing and energizing even more matter on contact or in a sense or so to speak. The recreation and the creation of a renewed purpose for the future of the spirit matter composted renourished with applied future intent. Sewin within brahma or the universal creator spirits that resides from on high, to amplify the cast meant to resonate from within the creator spirits that teaches this form of supertable or metaphysical practice as dreams, psychic chatter or clairvoyant messages and many other dimensional forms of contact. The primary reason for the research is to gain wisdom and insight into the occult teachings of the friend, relationship dynamic, forgiveness and truth, grace, occult enlightenment and forgiveness. After working with the compost supertable, or working with earth and our astrological bodies for a number of years, I connected my consciousness the garden in a totally new and mystic way. Before I knew it I was becoming conscious of my astral projections into my garden area, assuming it’s a cause and effect of intense worship and mite put into my alter, supertable and area or worship. The experience was life changing, even though I didn't project to the compost area specifically, the compost table is connected to my overall area and sector of conjuring. The time and prayer we bring forth to the relationship, the amount of worship, prayer or strength of our kneading the memories and thoughts as we remember the ones who we need or experiment with the most. After careful observation, I noticed a variety of changes in and around the connections of emotions, psychic and the secret people of community, the ones that know and manifest due to my thought sequencing and the power of prayer. The people I would normally see, the people upholding their respectable ranks within society and the community, were becoming replace with their superiority or their overwatch according to our ranking system or perhaps the pre-designed model followed that we all represent knowingly or unknowingly as we become closer to one as a united physical body? For the ones who know and are aware of their presence on earth, and how the mind’s energy is concentrated during these times of intense focus or prayers,that's good. And for the ones who aren't aware, i'm sure they’ll grow into their own when the spirits says its time. For the creators of the idea there is no doubt there meaning will be upheld throughout every family gathering and every reunion that will surely come to pass. The questions now is will their daily awareness be affected by my brahma? If so will they recognize the changes and opportunities occurring during there daily, mindful and conscious active presence that's responding to my intense worship? Also will they accept the words they have spoken, recall the memory, accepting their responsibility, releasing the energy and accepting the research of peers and pupils as valid and confirmed? The season changes once more, the leaves fall to the forest floor and we continue the nourishing cycle that’s been occurring on earth since the beginning. The garden will run it’s course, the winter will set in and we’ll be cuddled down on the couch waiting for the laughter of outdoor spring activity. The community will assemble this wednesday and sunday, the people will come and go, the cycle will continue and we’ll continue as the taoist teaches. This is the cycle we know and expect to occur, we know what will occur, all we have to do is wait.The comfort and security of being free and surrounded by loved ones hunkered down on a couch this autumn with coco and a book with a well balanced heating element working hard to heat the home to a homy comfortable temperature is amazing at certain times. As a matter of fact the heat is amazing at all times of the winter. We’ll continue to harvest and sew year after years, while working our mind, body and spirit day after day. We’ll be productive as possible, friendly and happy as possible as we embrace infinitude and or the old age to come. The seasons will change and we’ll produce as much as we can and as the environment and moon will allow. The teachings of life and the ways we attempt to live it, when combined may serve our sanity and life role greatly. I’m sure were all aware of the inner nature, of who and what we wanna be. The natural nature of inner love and light, the peace from within that we all desire to express. Back on the surface and off the neverending time topic, we must not forget the benefits of the properly maintained compost area as gardener or in general a great practice. Also we must work on the characteristics that we become aware of that's not serving us or beneficial either. The characteristics in need of our love and maintenance. No doubt when we recognize and work on these characteristics, we will be increasing the power of the compost, supertable and mite put into the operation via worship, thought or preyor, not to mention increasing the qualities of one’s self. So to summit up, the closing of the studied idea will only deliver to the reader, inspiration and maybe if we're lucky we might stimulate ideas for the gardener that crosses this idea or area of meta research. As we carry on throughout life there is no doubt that we’ll experience and experiment to the best of our ability, create alongside the most highest place of love and while contributing to society as much and with the highest quality possible. So as we go on with our lives, and while were living for the people and ourselves, we must remember to continue to work forward, for and to the best possible self that we can conceive and create for reasons that are clearly obvious. To serve mankind, family, neighbors, lovers, friends and the people of our assembly, for reasons that should be obvious to us as a peaceful and righteous nation. Remember to take care of the ones that has taken care of us or and the ones that are currently taking care and supporting us. Remember to pray for the ones we love, the community and everyone else we can think or influences us in only positive and grateful ways. Remember to bless and pray for the ones who need our prayers, save the ones who need our grace and continue to serve humanity from the most high with the best of intentions. There is no doubt that in doing so, when practicing these ways of life we will draw ourselves closer to a more spiritual rich and fertile way of life where peace, joy, love and laughter are abundant. For the closing and invoking of a perfect energy, I would like to say that all people have the opportunity to create amazing works of art, wrather on a canvas with brushes, with stone and or wood carvings, a fine form of musical expression and or a simple abstract concept that's inspires the ear, eye or mind of the influencee. The wonder and joy of the creations may only lead to one concept or lesson, witch is to attempt to enjoy life as much as possible and to inspire these minds that find inspiration from the artist work produced. Love each other, live in a manner that serves yourself and humanity and be good to yourself and everyone in contact with you. Inspire their hearts to influence other in a like minded way, have a open mind, open eyes and a open heart when living life. Experiment on Metaphysicians… Experiment On…