Blissful Creativity
The day calms, the mind relaxes from the worries of life and we fall into bliss and peace. The stress is no more, concerns disintegrate, becoming no more. Peace consumes us, our perspectives transforms into something more than the populist experience. The weeks pass by, day and night brings its own unique energy and dynamics with every morning and evening that follow, sure to deliver a new surprise with every dynamic that come. The month is no different, day by day and moment by moment, time passes, bliss remains while harmony fills our future. Seconds tick by, tick.. tick.. tick.. as if time has totally stopped and every second is being anaysed, right up to this very nanosecond. A very intense focus on the current moment at hand. Moments may be measured In a totally different frequency. Time almost seems to be influenced, being altered and shaped by the moments when united. Describing the feeling is near impossible. Defining and interpreting isn’t an option or on my mind at the moment. The current moments way to incredible an exhilarating to be focused on the measurement of time, the bliss is where my mind rests. Hope is what we have, faith and hope for the reoccurring and perpetual moments such as this. This moment spoken of, defined by the refreshing state of mind reinforced by peace and tranquility. As the sun rises and falls, and the seasons come and go, snow will fall and melt, blooms will blossom and sprouts will sprout. I maintain the attention and focus, focusing on the moment, focusing on the sight before me. Refocusing my attention back on time momentarily rather than the nebula before me. Shades of blue and purple, sapphire and jade. Perception of a royal purple, and passion that would bloom for years to come. The pulse! A moment of stillness, the collection of focus points and the collection of perceptions, emotions all consolidated to a single point. The mantras of time echo, prayers echoing in my mind. New emotions begin to develop, new thoughts begin to develop as a new sense of the future ignitiates. A mechanism, and a new desire too create in these moments, moments that would last forever, moments of creative frequencies such as these. The moon rises and falls, waneing and waxing month after month. Disappearing behind the veil of earth time and time again. Stars glistening and twinkling through out space and time and from light years away. Not knowing if each star is a spirit and or a soul from a creation long ago, now only remaining as fragments willing to create a new adventure or life for the willing gazer. Magnifying a particle of stardust, the atomic structure of such creations. Time, distance and energy now with a new meaning and new definitions as we gaze into the endless moment of reality and creation. As particals of moisture consolidate and condense forming a cloud. A body of matter measurable only by the limit of your imagination. Something so simple, but when together and united can form droplets of water capibal of supplying crops with the necessary energy to sustain echosystems. Capibal of providing a light shower, carrying with it a cool refreshing vitality that will quench the desires of overheated children on a hot summer day. Winter delivering with it, it’s own special energies and dynamics. Winter can deliver moments, capitol of facilitating memories that will ignite heart warming moments and memories, deep within the mind and hearts of the people the memory and season touches. As these moisture droplets condense, temperature lowering to form perfect and unique snowflakes that’ll blanket the landscape for miles and miles in all directions. A partical of dust out in the dessert, floating through space and in a sea of consciousness and possibilities with endless time. Drifting alone in space and time, gazing out over a sea of mirroring like particals,or pictured as a partical of sand gazes into countless reproductions of itself. As a shower forms in the middle of the ocean, as if to create and recreate In a neverending flow of energy. Climates all across the globe and cosmos offer such an extraordinary moments that can all as well be measured In nanoseconds as magnificent as these. Leaves detach after a long autumn of energy storage and consumption, falling to the forest floor or yard of lawn below as mother earth awaits to catch its fall. Or as the wind blows a refreshing fragrance from a field of wildflowers beneath the the nose of a nearby local biker or family enjoying a picnic. Waves crashing on a sandbar, in the background the seagulls are letting there presence be know. The sand shifts and moves around as the water disturbes their still and calm settlement. A sanddollar exuding it’s Fibonacci sequence, sending the mind of the viewers into the cosmic sequence or into the dynism. Creation for sand or the heavens? The milky way table on a single sanddollar. The faculties for creatons, we should take the time to cast. Back on time, and how we’ve paused. Traveling the dimensions in the dharma, listening for the echo and or frequency transmission. In a ocean of water, in a desert of sand or maybe a vapor in a cloud. Space with a new meaning, distance with a new perspective and everything is recreated. A flame ignites and then carries across the vapor a flame transforming the ozone beneath the flame. Solar rays heating the earth, propelled by the sun with the life mission, to be obsorbed by a plant or animal, to be consumed and carried forth to assist with creation. Think about the static of a carbonated cola on a hot summer day, and how blissful and refreshing that is. The state of bliss, think crescendo for creation. Applying at the correct moment, serves the dimensions for creation. How about the healing of relationships or the regeneration of plant material. The moment of awareness when the reader of the story reckonizes the mental and psychic connection that the author is attempting to make. Glimpsing a fragment of awareness from the creators. The mode of reading, thinking and awareness. Hypersensitivity engaged, my lungs full of a crisp cool breath of air. My pulse in the middle of a discharge, my blood pumping through my veins, keeping me energized and full of oxygen, ready to take on the universe. The breath and pulse working together, dynamically creating. Creation! For one to experience creation and for creators to experience the opertuneities to create. Newborn to old age, every stage of life is wonderful and precious. Every relationship is worth the effort. Every relationship is worth the time and effort brought forth to make and create more better and incredible dynamics. Assemblies, family gathering, friendship opertuneities and other simple behaviors that are commonly overlooked or taken for granted suddenly are plunged into perspective and priorities are made clear and properly aligned. Family moment, community and neighborly moments all have renewed and re-empowered meaning. Once lagging and slacking roles now have the desires to be used and worked in a orderly and a meaningful fashion become fulfilled. Creation new meaning for the future roles, then the new roles begin to recreate the personality traits and past perception gained new meaning for the recreated. Every meaning recreated and every purpose and desire fulfilled for all involved in the dharma. Uniting as one, no worries in the moment, so focused on the now before us. So focused on the prosperity and hope being gained in the moment. Nebulas explode and creations are born, beauty blooms followed by the settlement of all creation into peace and security. All hope is restored as life becomes more clear and and every breath has a restored healing effect. Faith, hope, joy, love, laughter and the foresight for a prosperous future fills my mind as I stare into her eyes year after year…