Sequencing In The Pines
As dawn of spring awakens the dormant blossoms that lie in wait, beneath the possiblities of frost, the mind is free of all possible flaw. Possiblities, the imagination runs free and their is an unstoppable force driving the desires of us. Alter upon alter, board upon board and table upon table, the dimensions compiled until my consciousness and awareness synthesized and condensed followed by the race to create and attach meaning to my creations right before me in the dharma. The faster I would focus, the slower time would become, or the frequency and time emitted from within the mind of the intense focus concentrated on the supertable or the moment. The cast, in the moment, the full awareness and or realization of ones self and the meanings attached to and defines the creators reality. The host and definitions alone with all thoughts measured in nanoseconds in the dharmic sequence. Sounds, frequencies or whatever the case may be, to reach the plateau and or frequency of tranquility, peace and happiness with the current creations we have and to create with love, laughter and happiness. Temperature, time, state of consciousness and chemistry plays a large role in achievement of such intense focus or awareness in the moments on high. A skill? or taught perspective? perhaps spirit gifts from the gods. The holy spirit and or sounds from within? However your creator hosts fabricate and attach meaning to and from. An example describes such event. Were on the riverbank with a pole, the sunlight is shining perhaps with other hosts, this moment could be considered a definite heavenly moment. The hosts unite, following a recognition of the paradise created. Or one scene from a creative imagination of the develping pupils? To hear, to see and to know the ignitiation frequencies, maximizing the potentiality of the godlike powers within, the captured photo being compared to the spoken word. Driving creativity, using comparison, contrasting happiness, photography, spring morning and right on through to worshipping sectors or areas alone side spring mornings. Peace from on high, tranquility from within. Exploring new opertuneities our community has to offer also discovering and develping our self aspects. As the sun rises on the eastern seaboard, pine needles alone with little white blossoms, energize as the sunlight penetrates and then absorbed into both. The finer moments in life begin to come into focus when specific dynamics align. Once again timing, lighting, characteristics and the season contributes majorly to such a majestic conjuring. With no specific subject in mind, only on the path of enlightenment and teachings. As the days grow on and the creators fabricate,we live, we fix, we heal both mentally and physically and in many other ways daily. Regardless of how we see the world and the light as we’re creating the silver lining during everyday and moment. Having the capacity to understanding of why we should remain passionate about the way we view and the ways we speak into creaton. Just the other day in a time not so distance from this very moment. The very same supernatural bliss and satisfaction, noticing the same emotions present. A recurring moment so intense intense with the frequency of peace and tranquility, that I’m perpetually perpeled onto a future of security and harmony. In my mind these are the moments that drives and fuel me towards the blissful nature of a liberated future, making life incredible. A moment so magnificent, I compulsively feel the urge to thrive and grow. A larger family, a better plan and a overwhelming need for a thriving life. Underneath the photography or distortion of what we think we know and believe. Peace fills the mind, we stand consciously aware of tomorrow and the life we have created. Were traveling through time and tomorrow had already been cast in my mind. Shaped, defined and created by the defined materials we surround ourselves with. This morning like many others, the dew was settled, resting upon the peddles and the needles of the pine as the sun unveiled from beneath planet earth. We sit silently and still in the peace of dawn, dreaming of a better moment in time, even better than this one. In the evening we have this to do, we also that to do, our list would rule both morning and evenings and all the tranquility if we allow. That moment, the moment of tranquility that compounds thus propelling us forward through time for the aeons to come.