Space For Integration Of Future Sustainability..

Brandon Lamont Cooper


As time flows on we can’t help but stop and think about communion and the eden like state of mind. Efficiency, cool temperatures on hot days and likewise for cold. The pleasures of soft carpet to place our feet upon and clean vegetables 🥑🥔🌽🥕 to feast upon. The thoughts of breathing harmful gasses and placing value of the need to travel has never actually been excepted by the 🌎 global entity. The need for sustainable farms and the slowest most secure form of transition is finally becoming excepted. Examples include sustainable urban agriculture, community integration and involvement and the awareness of the solar grid incorporations. These grid incorporations allow the reactor facilitators ⚛️ such as power company the ability to scale back and adjust safely to this new area of supply and demand. It’s more than a phisical transition but also a psychological mutation in my opinion, call it the higher faculty activation in this dharma. As I cleaned and tidied up the litter 🚮 I begin to think, what will I do with it? How can it becomes become no more and transporting it to the land field is no different than moving it over there. I quickly begin to get overwhelmed and simple reorganized it, moved if archaically and let genesis do the rest. A few months ago a sowed 🌱 a clove of garlic in the very dynamically challenging area, now I’m standing here dreaming on gobs beloved plateau, thinking about the possiblities in 4billion years 🌕. Beginning with the possiblities of mounting the panels on the pole itself. These poles last a long time, surely it would be worth the investment? Maybe incorporat a weather ☁️ proof maintenance facility at each pole interaction? Maybe plant squash, tomatoes, corn and vegetable of all kinds 🌽🍆🍅 . What if all these items were free? And what if we only had to exchange labor in the manner that expresses and teaches simultaneously? Who would facilitate such higher ways of living? How would we tell that they would be veins of solar panels throughout america. As the incorporations grow and panel efficiency rises the primary source of power will have slowly over the course of time reengineer to a point of technologically advanced excess. The following are the edible items currently in operations at this area 🌽🥔 and garlic 🌱. The area needs further work with a heavy duty tractor 🚜 and more time however, with the support and currency 💲💵 over time even the stubborn mind would realize the possibilities that arrive with Sustainability, and the overall health, healing and rejuvenating properties. Almost like mother nature delives a portion of her magic in exchange for efforts. Who owns the land under the power lines? What if I build access points to each pole for maintenance? What if I garden around the access point and respect the earth 🌎? What if I was the richest person on earth according to currency perspectives? What if I had the power to not care about the future? What if my will and mite is stronger than yours? What if my actions are louder than yours?

Photo Location: Lothair, Georgia

Photography, Writer and Studier of Perspective: Brandon LaMont Cooper



Brandon Lamont Cooper
Brandon Lamont Cooper

Written by Brandon Lamont Cooper

I’m a single loving father, a loving friend, a creator of love and light. A teacher, a pupil and a holder of love, light and truth.

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